989 Elements Move-In - Once More Delayed
We've been put up in a hotel, because - surprise, surprise - our move-in date at 989 Elements has been delayed another 5 or 7 days (they are not sure how long we will be in limbo).
Let's make it clear I am not blaming the staff or anyone involved with the 989 Elements construction. As far as I know, the hold-up is via the Bellevue City Hall occupancy permits. I don't really know what that means, but the result is that my husband and I can put our belongings into our apartment, but we can't sleep there. In fact, we can't even enter our apartment without a 989 Elements leasing agent as chaperone.
In the meantime, this hotel, the Paragon, is a decent abode wherein we wait for the move; waiting, waiting once more. It's certainly nicer than the hotel we were provided when construction and move-in was delayed on the home we owned, once upon a recent time in Flagstaff, AZ.
The Paragon looks like a dive from the outside, but the inside has a nice feeling of faded and newly revisited luxury. More on this nice-on-the-inside hotel later.
In the meantime, I can look right out my balcony here...and gaze up to our intended 8th floor apartment across the street.
Yeah...I DID expect the first two delays but I really thought the move-in date was set. The more fool, I. Anyway the hotel is nice and i will include pics of the place, plus my apartment bldg across the street, once I find my card reader (it's packed, somewhere). :)
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I can't resist to[/color] [url=http://www.ringtonelogo.info/sitemap.html]ringtones[/url][color=#475]. I get tired of a new one quickly so I wanna always to get more. The good part is I'm a student so my parents pay for them and further to find the right monthly offer is not difficult.
Time to go back to study.
Goodbye everyone
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