Bellevue Insider - Life of a MicroSoft Geek

Dan Florio is posting all kinds of life secrets on professional geek work in the high-tech galaxy called Seattle's Eastside.
Here's his blog, titled PolyGeek, and that link goes to his interesting Life of a Geek section. It documents his rise from living in his car while temping as a Capitol Hill Flash Developer, to being hired by the "Evil Empire" (as they call Microsoft here). He's now an X-Box Flash Prototyper. Sounds cool? I think it is. For a gamer it's a dream. And loving his job keeps him - my husband - more agreeable to live with.
If you know anything about Flash design and development, I can somewhat biasedly but also deservedly say, this is a guy to watch.
More on Dan Florio?
- Xanadu West
This photographic gallery is entirely designed in Flash. Make sure you notice the sun slowly setting behind the butte, and don't miss the Flagstaff, Grand Canyon, Chaos and Italy gallery sections. He's got a lot more photos to add when he decides to get around to it. - Vector Space Studios
Dan's interactive Flash demonstration space. Check out the Chaos-Intelligence of his Cellular Automata Demo, and the totally geek-oriented Drake Equation Simulation. If you liked the Carl Sagan movie Contact, you will dig this. - Business Travel
Located at, this Travel Column shares a lifetime of hard-earned work+travel tips. Go vote in his poll and read about Getting WIFI on the Go. He promises he'll be publishing weekly here, which is great if you're a Dan Fan. -
Waaaay too technical Flash info for mere mortals, but fun Battlestar Galactica tidbits, a scattering of sci-fi movie reviews, and an unfortunate addiction to catastrophic weather. In addition to the insights on geekdom mentioned above.
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