Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Bellevue Insider - Life of a MicroSoft Geek

Dan Florio is posting all kinds of life secrets on professional geek work in the high-tech galaxy called Seattle's Eastside.

Here's his blog, titled PolyGeek, and that link goes to his interesting Life of a Geek section. It documents his rise from living in his car while temping as a Capitol Hill Flash Developer, to being hired by the "Evil Empire" (as they call Microsoft here). He's now an X-Box Flash Prototyper. Sounds cool? I think it is. For a gamer it's a dream. And loving his job keeps him - my husband - more agreeable to live with.

If you know anything about Flash design and development, I can somewhat biasedly but also deservedly say, this is a guy to watch.

More on Dan Florio?


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